ANZTSR’s journal is Third Sector Review. It is the flagship Australasian refereed academic journal for cross-disciplinary not-for-profit research and is recognised for Australian Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) purposes and for PBRF Evidence Portfolios in New Zealand.

Third Sector Review has been publishing research for 25 years. Articles address characteristics of the third sector or any aspect of its management, including governance, human resource management, the labour market, financial management, strategic management and managing change, community development, fund-raising, user rights, relations with government, legal issues and historical development.

Thematic issues are undertaken every one to two years, often linked to ANZTSR’s biennial conferences. The themes focus on global issues of relevance to Australasia, such as outsourcing, social enterprise and social innovation, charity law in the Pacific rim, sport and the third sector, third sector environmentalism, the third sector and communication, co-operatives and the social economy, volunteerism, the third sector as a voice for civil society and microfinance. Themed issues have also included analysis of the Third Sector Review itself and its approach to third sector research.

The Review is published twice a year, in June and December and submissions are welcomed on a rolling basis.  ANZTSR member receive free access.

Editors (contact at

Click here for Current and Past Issues

Aims and Scope

Third Sector Review is explicitly cross-disciplinary, with both theoretical and empirical papers invited from a range of disciplines and fields of practice in the third sector. Critiques of existing theory or practice are invited. Contributions are encouraged from both practitioners and academics on third sector issues of interest to those in Australia, New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours. While there must be some relevance to those jurisdictions, papers on issues of global and regional relevance are strongly encouraged.

Coverage of the journal includes characteristics of the third sector or any aspect of its management, particularly:

  • governance,
  • human-resources management,
  • the labour market,
  • financial management,
  • strategic management and managing change,
  • community development,
  • fundraising,
  • user rights,
  • relations with government,
  • legal issues,
  • historical development, etc.

There is a special ‘From the Field’ section and occasional book reviews.


Guidelines for Contributors

Guidelines for Papers from the Field

Guidelines for Contributors (Book Reviews)

Call for Papers

Back Issues of the Third Sector Review:  email:

Open Access and Institutional Repositories

In support of open access principles, authors are welcome to make the Author Accepted Manuscript version (not the final journal typeset version) of their papers available on their institutional research repositories or on open access repositories such as SSRN.